What we Believe

Encounter God

God is not hidden, in fact He promises us in the Bible that forgiveness is found for all who acknowledge by faith the power of Jesus' sacrifice for the world on Calvary's cross. In baptism, God establishes a relationship with us, marking us as members of His Family and promising to always be our God. While baptism is a simple act of washing with water in the name of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, its power lies in God's Word as He offers us the forgiveness of sin in His name. In the Lord's Supper we are nourished in the faith. The power of the Lord's Supper is found in the Word of God when Jesus promises that "this (bread) is my body...this (wine) is my blood." While the Supper contains simple bread and wine and involves all of our senses with God's Word we are assured that Jesus' body and blood are also present, in and with the bread and wine, for the strengthening of our relationship with Him.

Embrace the Word

As people who see the work of God's hand we must constantly renew ourselves by seeking God where He can be found in the Bible. "Faith comes from hearing the message and the message is heard through the word of Christ" (Romans 10:17). At Jordan we open the Bible every week to learn how we have been loved by our Lord. To understand how God has shaped us we read God's story for all creation revealed in the Scriptures. 

Impact All Nations

The message of forgiveness shown to us in Jesus is a joy that cannot be held in secret. It is out of the boundless love shown to us in Christ Jesus that we give to those in need in our neighborhoods or those around the world in our growing missionary partnership in the Dominican Republic. Empowered by God’s unconditional love, our congregation embraces service with our “Live Here Serve Here” opportunities targeting group or organization each month.

Jordan Lutheran Church is a congregation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.

What to expect

We are a group of believers that meet in a community space. Every Sunday we pick up God's Word and celebrate the knowledge that our Creator came into the world through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. Join us this weekend and if you need a Bible we would be glad for you to keep the one offered as you enter on Sunday.

Worship Location: 309 Holleman St., Apex, NC

Jordan Lutheran Church

Worship Location: 309 Holleman St., Apex, NC

Education Hour at 9:00 am, Worship Service at 10:00 am

Office Location: 1031 Pemberton Hill Rd., Suite 202, Apex, NC 27502

Phone: (919) 303-1613